Wednesday, March 22, 2006

I'm officially hooked!

Oh, my gosh! Why didn't anyone tell me how completely addicting this blog stuff is! I can't get enough of it. For the past two days my poor kids have only seen me from the neck down, because my head has been stuck behind this stupid laptop. I find myself checking my "comments" every hour just to see if I have any new ones to read. So far I have convinced three people to start their own blog and I'm so excited to have the company. If you notice I have their links already posted because like I said, I'm obsessed! I've got to find a way to be a little more calm and collected. If Jimmy tries to show me how to fix something on my blog I get all crazy and weird. Last night he was trying to show me how to delete comments when something went weird on my blog page and I just about flipped out. He just looked at me like I was insane. I think I am! What has happened to me? Is anyone else as addicted as me?


Kelli said...

Hi there..just a random visit..I know what you mean by being addicted to your blog! I am constantly on this thing checking out all of my friends sites and obsessing about my comments!

Michelle said...

I must admit that I have checked my site about a thousand times today to see if I had any comments. I also go to other peoples sites all day to see if they have posted anything new. How pathetic are we!!!!!! :)

Heather said...

i agree. this is way too addicting. i'm not sure if blogging is a good thing in my life, but it sure is fun!