Friday, March 24, 2006

Laundry, Smaundry!

I don't know about y'all but if there is something I hate to do with a passion it would have to be LAUNDRY!!! It is not so much the initial "putting in" of the laundry so much as it is the "folding" and "putting away" of the laundry. I think it all started years ago when I was a young girl just wanting to have a normal fun middle school to highschool life. Instead, I was used for "laundry" labor in my own house. While the other kids in the neighborhood were out riding there bikes and enjoying life, I was locked in the laundry room wiping sweat from my little 12 year old brow! As if it wasn't harsh enough to fold my older brothers "tighty whities", I had to also put them away for him. Apparently, he didn't have capable enough arms to do this minor task. I wasted away a good 7 years of my childhood life folding clothes. Some would say it was a good "learning experience" and that it "builds character", but I have to say it has only made me hate it even more now that I'm a wife and a mother of three. Can I get an "Amen"? I wonder if my mother and father truly know how much they have ruined my chances of providing clean clothes for my family. I can't ever seem to stay on top of the laundry around my house. As soon as I think I'm done I look over only to see another "evil" bag of grossly-stained clothes staring at me from the corner. I don't know if y'all do this, but I inspect my children's clothing every night hoping that whatever they wore for that day can make it past the "stain free" and "smells ok" test so that I won't have to toss it onto the ever so large mountain of clothing sitting in the corner. The girls are constantly asking me, "Mom, is this clean enough to wear again?" See, even they know the drill. I do however realize that my mother must have had these same feelings when I was a child, because now I find myself already training my kids on how to fold socks and towels. I just can't wait until they get a few years older so I can pass the horrible "laundry torch" over to them!


Heather said...

Amen! I hate doing laundry, and I have to do at least 2 loads a day to keep up with it. Will Harrison loves to help fold washcloths, though, so I'm expecting him to be a big helper!

Caci said...

Well, I certainly agree with you 100%. My boys also know that the pants they wore to school are not necessarily dirty, they CAN be worn again! But, since I decided to change and work outside of the home, my sweet loving adorable husband does all of the washing, drying, folding AND putting away! I have been very impressed. I must say he doesn't hang the clothes on the hanger the way I think it should go, but I decided I have to pick my battles!

Michelle said...

Amen and Amen!!! Preach it sister!! First things first, you stole my blog idea, I actually was in the works of taking a picture of myself being eaten by my monster laundry pile, but you beat me to it. I must admit that I have trained my 3 oldest children in the putting away of their laundry, my most HATED part as well. I have actually looked into hiring someone to come to my house to just do the laundry, and Micah was going to let me hire her, but I just couldn't spend the insane amount of money that she would have charged to come do my laundry. Oh well, I better go, I have laundry to fold!!

Missy and Jesse said...

Don't feel so bad, I don't even have kids and I don't want to do my own laundry! But I was put in the same situation of folding my older brother's whitey tidies too. So even though I'm not a wife and mother of three, all I have to say to you is...Amen Sista!