Saturday, March 25, 2006

I've hit a nerve!

Well, it seems I hit a nerve with my last entry on laundry. Apparently, someone with no sense of humor whatsoever came across my site and was offended by "my" laziness! Who knew? I guess this person is the only person on earth who actually enjoys doing laundry. I wasn't aware there were people like that in existence. But, hey I'm the first to admit when I'm wrong. So, please accept my deepest apologies that we don't share the same hobbies. I guess I'm just one of those "sissie" mothers that would rather being spending some time playing and interacting with my kids than cleaning their "wrinkle free" clothes. Call me crazy! If only I were a mother back in the day when mothering 3 children was so much harder than today. I'm sure I would have been a better and more capable mother back in the 50's when the kids were all walking around in hand-washed clothes and totally oblivious to the fact that the "Golden Arches" were really gold and not gray like on t.v. I mean truly, I could have been loved so much more by my children if they would have seen me make that bread from scratch rather than pop open that can of crescent rolls. I guess I need to get my priorities straight. What was I thinking by spending all that time with them playing playdoh and building that sheet fort in the living room. I should have been downstairs in the basement ironing all their clothes. I guess now I know what makes a mother truly great. Thanks for the lesson, random blogger! That's all for tonight. I need to go turn on my "crock pot" and "dishwasher" before I go get in bed. I have a long day tomorrow. I mean with my "power-steering" broken in my car it's gonna make my morning commute to church a difficult one. Not to mention the fact that I have to drop my kids off at one of those "hourly daycares" while I go get my hair and nails done. There is just not enough time for me!


Michelle said...

Once again I say, preach it sister!!! Well said, my sentiments exactly.

Missy and Jesse said...

Amen Sista!!

Caci said...

Yes, you know I was thinking the same thing about that blogger. I mean it's ok to admit you don't enjoy doing laundry, that doesn't mean you don't do it at all. Whatever was that person thinking? Yeah, and I have to say that back in the 50's it also would have been easier for you to be a better mom because you could just let your kids run around the neighborhood for HOURS with each other and with no fears of being kidnapped....that is when you would have the time to do all that laundry and bake that homemade bread.....when your kids were out having fun without you! Wouldn't that be just great? (lots of sarcasm)

Caci said...
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Anonymous said...

You are so funny!! I just got done folding about 6 loads of laundry myself that has been sitting by my bed for over a week!! Who cares--there are more important things to do in life that being obsessed with how your house is imaculate.etc..I sure as heck don't care about having every laod of laundry put away every single day!Luckily, my sweet and precious husband doesn't care either! LOL!(at least that is what he says) I love love to read your stories-they are so funny!Can't wait to read your next story..Take care!

Caci said...

Well, I accidentally removed one of my comments, but anywho...I am still figuring out my laptop and the mouse is very sensitive. Ok, Melissa, I am very familiar with that mom of yours who kept you slaving away in the washroom for hours while your friends were out playing. I remember wanting you to come play only to hear, "Not until she is done folding towels." I swear I think you guys had 200 towels in your house. Anyway, if that mom of yours were to blog she would probably do it in an evil way...since she was evil to you growing up you know, and now you are scarred for life because of all the trauma she inflicted upon you. But, even if she were to blog maliciously I would still love her because she is my favorite aunt and she never made me do the laundry!